product experts中文什么意思

发音:   用"product experts"造句
  • product:    n. 1.产物,产品;制品;产量;出 ...
  • expert:    n. 1.老手,熟手,内行,专家 ( ...
  • experts:    法律专家索引; 专家
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  1. Contributes as a product expert to a wide variety of marketing studies and other customer focused work
  2. We give you access to the best minds in ibm websphere , product experts who are waiting to answer your questions
    在这儿您可以接触到ibm websphere的核心人物及产品专家,他们随时准备为您排疑解难。
  3. We give you access to the best minds in ibm websphere , product experts and executives , who are waiting to answer your questions
    我们可以让您接触到有关ibm websphere的最好的思想、随时准备回答您问题的产品专家和执行人员。
  4. Communities fulfill the needs of product experts , self help centers , and most importantly provide collaboration tools enabling people to more easily communicate and share critical knowledge
  5. The 3 - day event has provided an all - around interactive platform on which the existing users , business partners and products experts of related industries can share experiences on the application of platinum china ' s production and solutions , problems encountered during the implementation , and also conduct extensive communication and discussion about industry development trend and challenges they are facing


  1. product evolution 什么意思
  2. product exchange 什么意思
  3. product exhibition 什么意思
  4. product exit 什么意思
  5. product expansion 什么意思
  6. product family 什么意思
  7. product features 什么意思
  8. product field 什么意思
  9. product finder 什么意思
  10. product flanking 什么意思


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